Golang China Contributor Club

If you have more than 10 effective commits merged into the Go repo, feel free to send an email applying for membership.

You will also get an email account with the suffix @golangcn.org permanently.

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Our Members

Andy Pan

Andy Pan

[email protected]

Creator of ants and gnet, Go runtime & Redis contributor.

Baokun Lee

Baokun Lee

[email protected]

Author of goproxy.io

Ben Shi

Ben Shi

[email protected]

Go compiler & LLVM contributor

Changkun Ou

Changkun Ou

[email protected]

Go contributor, pursuing a Ph.D. @LMU Munich.

Cholerae Hu

Cholerae Hu

[email protected]

Go contributor

Eric Fang

Eric Fang

[email protected]

Go compiler contributor

Fannie Zhang

Fannie Zhang

[email protected]

Go compiler contributor

Kor Zhao

Kor Zhao

[email protected]

Go compiler contributor

Leonard Wang

Leonard Wang

[email protected]

Go contributor

Xiaodong Liu

Xiaodong Liu

[email protected]

linux/loong64 port maintainer

Meng Zhuo

Meng Zhuo

[email protected]

Go mips64le builder maintainer

Shushan Chai

Shushan Chai

[email protected]

Go contributor

Shuai Tan

Shuai Tan

[email protected]

Go contributor

Weixie Cui

Weixie Cui

[email protected]

Go contributor

Wèi Cōngruì

Wèi Cōngruì

[email protected]

Go contributor

Xiangdong Ji

Xiangdong Ji

[email protected]

Go contributor

Guangyuan Zhou

Guangyuan Zhou

[email protected]

Go contributor

Wayne Zuo

Wayne Zuo

[email protected]

Go compiler contributor

Zizhao Zhang

Zizhao Zhang

[email protected]

Go contributor

Dejiang Zhu

Dejiang Zhu

[email protected]

Go contributor

Xiangyang Sun

Xiangyang Sun

[email protected]

Go contributor

WÁNG Xuěruì

WÁNG Xuěruì

[email protected]

Go compiler contributor

About Us

We're Gophers

We are a bunch of developers who use Go to build reliable and efficient software in production.

We're Chinese

We are scattered among the Internet, chip, software, and hardware companies in China.

We're Contributors

We’ve decided to give back to the community and already made our contributions to Golang.

Go programming language

Go is an open-source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.


The syntax of Go is pretty simple, it accomplishes a powerful functionality with very few reserved words.


Go provides a special feature known as goroutines, a goroutine is a lightweight thread managed by the Go runtime, empowering the concurrency in system.

Powerful Standard Libraries

There is a rich set of library packages in Go, which makes it easier for developers to build reliable and efficient software.


Go can be used with various platforms like UNIX, Linux, Windows, and other operating systems that work on mobile devices as well.

Our Services

linux-amd64-wsl builder

Go-linux-amd64-wsl builder

Stay Tuned

Mankind was born on Earth. It was never meant to die here.

Our Contributions

We’ve made plenty of contributions to Go compiler, runtime, standard libraries, etc.

The members of Golang China Club have contributed a lot of code to the Go programming language so far, mainly focusing on the compiler, runtime, standard libraries, etc. See the first section『Our Members』above for details.

We will continue this work in the future, at the same time, we also hope to have more Chinese developers to join us.

  • 01- Go compiler

  • 02- Go runtime

  • 03- Go standard libraries

Our Works




Go 语言原本

Go 语言原本

Go 语言原本。




Modern C++ Tutorial

Modern C++ Tutorial

Modern C++ Tutorial: C++11/14/17/20 On the Fly.



A global proxy for Go modules.



gnet is a high-performance, lightweight, non-blocking, event-driven networking framework written in pure Go.



ants is a high-performance and low-cost goroutine pool in Go.

Our Sponsorship


¥500/ year



¥5000/ year



¥20000/ year



¥100000/ year

Talk Go

Talk Go

Oct 16, 2020

Thanks for the sponsorship from TalkGo - https://talkgo.org/

Phoenix New Media

Phoenix New Media

Dec 9, 2020

Thanks for the sponsorship from Phoenix New Media - https://www.ifeng.com/

Latest Post

2021 Go 语言中国贡献者峰会

我们是谁 Golang Contributor Club 中国 Go 语言贡献者组织的公众号。 虽然中国的 gophers 数量庞大,但是对社区的回馈较少,并且话语权微弱。因此中国区最早的几位贡献者抱团取暖,成立该组织。 我们的愿景是: 鼓励并帮助更多的中国 gophers 向上游 Go 社区贡献代码,并对上游 Go 社区施加国人的影响力; 定期分享 Go 工具链的内部实现机制,和国内 gophers 共同学习成长; 和各界 gophers 加强交流,精细分工,共同建设 Go 语言生态; 中国 Go 语言贡献者组织官网:https://golangcn.

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